Barking Dogs Never Bite > 영문_2005_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Barking Dogs Never Bite





한국 | 2000 | 108min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musica


Yoon-joo, an underemployed college part-time lecturer, becomes sensitive to the sound of a dog barking somewhere in her quiet middle-class apartment complex. Yoon-joo finds a puppy on her neighbor's doorstep and locks it in the basement. However, things take an unexpected turn when Hyun-nam, a security guard at the apartment complex, receives a flyer looking for a puppy named Pindol. The movie was selected as the first group of the 'Best 5' by movie music officials. Audiences who admired Bong Joon-ho's whimsical imagination at the time of the movie's release are encouraged to watch it again, this time paying close attention to the film's music. The 3rd Buenos Aires International Film Festival even honored composer Cho Sung-woo with a special award.



1969년 생. 연세대학교 사회학과를 졸업했고 한국영화아카데미 11기 출신이다. 단편 <프레임 속의 기억>과 <지리멸렬>이 94년 밴쿠버와 홍콩 영화제에 초청받았다. 2000년 장편 데뷔작 <플란다스의 개>로 홍콩영화제 국제영화비평가상과 뮌헨 영화제 신인감독상을 수상했고, 2003년 <살인의 추억>으로 스타감독의 반열에 올랐다.