Pororo to the Cookie Castle > 영문_2005_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Pororo to the Cookie Castle





한국 | 2004 | 70min | COLOR | Animation | Musical


Christmas is a magical day when children can get presents from the jovial Santa Claus. So, if something were to happen to Santa Claus, that would be the worst nightmare for kids. < Pororo to the Cookie Castle > is an animation in which Pororo and his friends all run around trying to have a normal Christmas under circumstances where anything could happen to Santa Claus. Witches, Cookies, Candy, and chocolate come alive, as they will in the imaginations of children, and they go up against Pororo and his friends to stir up one great disturbance. At the heart of all the disturbance lies Santa Claus'''' topping is indeed a spectacle. The adorable Pororo already has an established fan base through the airing of < Pororo, the Little Penguin > on EBS and is a well known character that children love. 1.3 billion won went into making the film, and the adventures of Pororo in a mysterious, beautiful, and fantastic world will blow the heat of summer right out the window.



1971년 생. 산업대학교 기계공학과를 졸업하고 여러 컴퓨터 그래픽 업체에서 근무하다 99년 (주) 오콘에 입사했다. 나잘난 박사, 삼성홍보영상CG 등 다수의 영상물을 제작했고, EBS를 통해 방영된 <뽀롱뽀롱 뽀로로> 제작에 참여했다.