Keep on Rockin > 영문_2005_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Keep on Rockin





일본 | 2003 | 109 | 35mm | COLOR


The vocalist of a popular rock group, Bluff, is at odds with her teammates due to her disorganized behavior. When she fails to release any more new songs, her record label terminates her contract. Eiji returns to his hometown to escape everything he wants to forget, but the hospitality of his friends is short-lived and he soon finds himself in a difficult confrontation with his father. But an unexpected turn of events awaits him, and he makes a crucial decision. “Rock is life.” Eiji's line sums up the movie's theme. The movie dramatizes Eiji's life as a successful rock star, just like the intense and dramatic rock music. The opening with the explosive sound and close-up of Eiji is very impressive, and like the contrasting images of the big city of Tokyo and his hometown, the events of Eiji's life as a musician and as a member of a family are seamlessly integrated into the ironic life drama.


모로사와 카즈유키

1960년 출생. 메이지 대학 졸업 후 니카츠 스튜디오에 입사하여 조감독 생활을 시작했다. 이후 <간호사의 일>, <기묘한 이야기> 등의 인기 TV 드라마에서 각본, 감독을 맡았다. 2002년, 동명 드라마를 바탕으로 한 영화 <간호사의 일>을 연출했고, <록!록!록!>에서 감독, 각본, 제작을 모두 소화하며 활동영역을 넓히고 있다.