Tractor, Love & Rock ’n’Roll > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Tractor, Love & Rock ’n’Roll





슬로베니아 | 2007 | 105min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary


A tragical-comedy about unusual people in a remote village Prekmurje at a time when rock ’n’roll was emerging in the 1960s. Midget, Düplin appears through the beautiful village flower beds. Soon he meets Breza, a young man living with his fortune teller mother, and stays at their place. Breza who is a rock and roll enthusiast, performs rock and roll music at a public festival with his electric guitar. But unlike his competitors a traditional gipsy band that performs ethnic popular music, the public’s response to his music is disappointing. Instead, he manages to conquer the heart of the village belle Silvija. Silvija is the daughter of a wealthy emigrant to Switzerland, who sent his daughter back home to find a husband with healthy roots. Tractor, Love & Rock ’n’ Roll based on Feri Lainsˇcˇek’s original story, Vankosˇtanc tells the story of tradition and modernity through the symbols and metaphors of gypsy music, rock and roll and tractors. The second feature directed by Branko Djuric who starred in the 2002 Academy Award winning feature, No Man’s Land, and is also a musician in‘Bombaj Sˇ tampa’, a rock band based in Sarajevo, he gives an excellent performance as Breza. Through breathtaking images and unique characters, this film presents an interesting view on how rock and roll settled into a rural village in Slovenia during the 1960s. (Chung Woochung) ​​


  • 브랑코 쥬리치
    • 브랑코 쥬리치
    • 1962년 사라예보 출생. 에밀 쿠스트리차와 고란 가직, 아데미르 케노빅 감독 등의 영화에 주로 출연해왔다. 15년 동안 류블랴나에 살고 있으며 연극 연출과 TV시리즈의 각본을 주로 하고 있다. 연기자로 그를 가장 유명하게 만든 작품은 아카데미 외국어영화상을 수상한 <노 맨스 랜드>(2001)로 그는 이 작품으로 유럽영화상 남우주연상에 노미네이트 되기도 했다. 장편영화 데뷔작은 <치즈와 잼>(2003)으로 <로큰롤과 트랙터>는 그의 두 번째 장편영화다.​