The Man Who Loved Yngve > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Man Who Loved Yngve





노르웨이 | 2008 | 98min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


November 1989. The Berlin wall collapses. In Stavanger town, 17 year old Jarle Klepp has no idea that everything is about to change. So far he has got everything; the best girlfriend in the world, and the world’s coolest buddy. Together they soon launch Stavanger’s toughest punk band‘, Mattias Rust Band’. But a new transfer student, Yngve who is unlike anyone Jarle has met, pushes him into a state of confusion. He does not know what to do. All he knows is that he cannot stop meeting Yngve, even if it involves doing things he really hates, like listening to Duran Duran and playing tennis. Based on Tore Renberg’s original story of the same title, The Man Who Loved Yngve received both critical and commercial acclaim. A lively coming of age film filled with both laughter and tears, this film took Norway by surprise in 2008. A native of Stavanger, like the author, the director captures the social atmosphere of Norway through Stavanger during the 1980s while giving the film a flare with a good combination of comedy and drama. Upcoming Norwegian actor, Rolf Kristian Larsen gives a superb performance of Jarle who experiences confusion in his sexual identity when he feels irresistible love towards Yngve despite the fact that he has a great girlfriend. However, perhaps the biggest attraction in this film is the rich soundtrack which perfectly recreates the mood of the 1980s through music from Stone Roses, Cure, REM, Jesus & Mary Chain and Joy Division. (Chung Woochung)


  • 스티안 크리스티안센
    • 스티안 크리스티안센
    • 1972년 출생한 스티안 크리스티안센은 스타방에르에서 연출을 공부한 후 2006년 노르웨이 영화학교를 졸업했다. 로가란드 극장에서 수년간 연기자로 활약했으며 <베니>와 <몽고랜드> 같은 영화에도 출연했다. 장편 데뷔작 <잉베를 사랑한 남자>를 연출하기 전 그는 <아담과 이 브>, <맹시>, <제발 키스를 해달란 말야!>, <악성 투자>, <히든> 등 다수의 단편을 연출했다.