A Father’s Music > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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A Father’s Music





독일 | 2007 | 105min | 35mm | Documentary | Musical


This film is a story about a world renowned conductor’s journey into music as well as one man’s story about his two families on each side of the Berlin Wall. Born in 1922 in Innsbruck, Otmar Suitner, ruled for 30 years as East German’s leading conductor since 1960 but was forced to retire at the peak of his career from Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 68. This has his son and the director of this film, Igor Heitzmann realize there is not much time left and embark on a quest to rediscover his father’s life path filled with music and love through rare footage and letters. The son’s wish to see his father conduct an orchestra once again is fulfilled when Suitner plays Mozart’s Symphony for him. The music of Brahms, Johann Strauss, Beethoven and Schubert are truly magnificent, but the images of the father and son journeying to Suitner’s hometown, Innsbruck, is a moving scene which reminds us of the true meaning o‘f family.’(Chun Jin-su)


  • 이고르 하이츠만
    • 이고르 하이츠만
    • 1971년 렌트스브루크에서 출생하여 현재 베를린에 거주하고 있는 하이츠만 감독은 바실리 실로빅 감독의 <오손 웰즈 - 원맨 밴드>의 조감독을 했다. 또한 대본 편집, 번역가, 프로덕션 디자이너 등 다방면에서 활동하기도 했다. 다큐멘터리의 주인공인 지휘자 오트마 쥐트너의 아들인 그는 쥐트너가 80세가 된 2002년, 아버지에 대한 이해와 송별을 위한 특별한 작업의 필요성을 느끼고 이 작품을 만들기 시작했다.