Melodies of Spring > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Melodies of Spring





독일 | 2007 | 97min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


Elementary school teacher, Anna is too mentally fragile to control her students. Actor, Thilo works as a wine telemarketer to make a living but his sales are way below average. One day, they attempt to set up each of their own friends, Valerie and Moritz, but this plan goes wrong when Anna’s mental breakdown worsens. However, when Thilo sees Anna, he falls head over heels in love with her. Now, they have to overcome their life problems in order to turn their encounter into a happy ending. A musical which tells the story of young Germans’despair and love, Melodies of Spring is a romantic comedy that is as fresh as its title. Surrounding the story of Anna and Thilo who have to deal with their job difficulties as their love deepens, the film presents various situations that German men and women in their thirties experience through Valerie and Moritz who wrestle between work and child raising, and Florian who loves Katja but feels pressured by the relationship. It is music that gives unity and flow to the diverse characters and situations. Including the 1930s star, Zarah Leander, rock musician, Udo Lindenberg and pop star, Gitte Hænning, a variety of music from different period and genres are selected to complement the mood and tone of each characters. The actors each sang their songs during the film shoot which was later dubbed with the original songs. (Chung Woochung)


  • 마틴 발츠
    • 마틴 발츠
    • 1964년 스위스 취리히에서 태어났으며 베를린에서 성장했다. 고등학교 졸업 후 연기 수업을 받았 으며 몇 편의 영화에도 출연했다. 이 시기에 그는 각본 작업을 병행했으며 단편영화를 연출하기도 했다. 1986년 뉴욕대에서 16mm 영화제작 과정을 들었으며 1991년로 장편 데뷔를 했다. 이후 다수의 TV 영화와 단편영화를 연출해왔다. 작품으로는 <킬러 콘돔>(1996), (1997) 등이 있다.