Reality, Love and Rock’n’ Roll > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Reality, Love and Rock’n’ Roll





인도네시아 | 2006 | 109min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


A coming of age tale of two 17 year-old buddies, Nugi and Ipang; both rebellious and careless bullies who have to face harsh reality beyond their imagination. Nugi and Ipang aspire to be famous musicians and have high hope for their rock ’n roll band. The love for music compensates their aversion over school, which they think as a major waste of time, and thus they always look for trouble and ways to cut class. They do crazy things together. Or sometimes with their friend Sandra, a beautiful shop owner and Nugi’s object of affection. But she instead falls for the cooler Ipang. The boys’similarity stops at home. Nugi lives with her mother after his parents got divorced. The mother and son get along well, like best friend. Except that Nugi dislikes every boyfriend she brings home. Unlike Nugi, there is a wide generational gap between Ipang and his parents. The father disapproves his music; prefers him to focus in school. Ipang’s only solace at home is brother Dido, 7, whom he cares about much and who adores him. After a series of crazy, silly stuff, reality hits them hard. Nugi’s long lost father turns out to be a transsexual. Ipang, meanwhile, turns out to be adopted. This film shows how two boys with rock ’n roll attitude cope with the reality in life.


  • 우피 아비안토
    • 우피 아비안토
    • 우피로 더 잘 알려진 우피 아비안토는 인도네시아의 각본가이자 영화감독으로 2000년대 인도네시아의 대표적인 흥행작을 다수 연출했다. 작품으로는 <30 Hari Mencari Cinta>(2004), (2007), (2007) 등이 있다.​