Piano, Solo > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Piano, Solo





이탈리아, 프랑스 | 2007 | 104min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


At a very young age in Africa, Luca witnesses his mother’s death by a car accident. This horrific memory haunts him all his life, interfering with any hopes of happiness. After the accident, Luca returns to Italy where he enters a music school in Florence. There he shows extraordinary talent as a pianist. Biographical film of the passionate but tragic life of Italy ’s jazz piano genius, Luca Flores, Piano, Solo presents the world renown musician who played with legendary musicians such as Chet Baker and Dave Holland to the beautiful tunes of Jazz. The film not only highlights the musician’s contributions as an artist but also his human side in its love, agony and madness. A child actor turned professional actor and occasional filmmaker, Italy ’s handsome star, Kim Rossi Stuart presents a delicate performance as the genius jazz pianist whose personal pains force him shut himself off from the world. The jazz music played throughout the film and sensitive sound track composed by Lele Marchitelli enrich the film as they are combined with the film’s superb images. (Chung Woochung) ​


  • 리카르도 밀라니
    • 리카르도 밀라니
    • 1958년 이탈리아 로마 출생으로 연출과 시나리오 작업을 병행하고 있다. 난니 모레티와 마리오 모니첼리, 다니엘라 루체티 감독들의 작품에서 조감독을 지냈으며 1997년 로 장편 데뷔했다. 이후 1999년에는 <안토의 전쟁>을 연출했다. 이후 TV 시리즈 등을 연출했으며 다수의 광고를 연출하기도 했다. 2003년 다시 영화계에 복귀한 후 <영혼의 자리>를 연출했다.​