Out of Tune > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Out of Tune





브라질 | 2007 | 128min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Out of Tune is the latest work from director, Walter Lima Jr, one of the leading figures in Brazil’s 1960s Cinema Novo film movement who is still actively working. The film portrays the rocky music journey of fictional Bossa Nova band‘, Os Desafinados’during the political turmoil period of the 60s and 70s. It is 1962 when the people are filled with hope and expectations for a new start. Four friends create a Bossa Nova band and set out for New York to catch the opportunity to perform at a legendary Bossa Nova concert held at New York’s Carnegie Hall. The band’s pianist, Joaquim while walking through Central Park, hears the tunes of Bossa Nova nearby. He falls head over heels in love with the beautiful Brazilian flute player, Gloria. In their early twenties, the group believe they can change Brazil’s pop music and as a result, change Brazil as well. The films POV flash forward to the present where the now aged band members are in a TV show recalling the past. Brazilian film star, Rodrigo Santoro, familiar to the Korean public for his performance in Love Actually gives a superb performance as the attractive band leader, Joaquim. Showcased during the 50th anniversary of Bossa Nova’s birth, the film is a moving experience set along the tunes of the masters of Bossa Nova including Antonio Carlos Jobim. (Chung Woochung)


  • 월터 리마 주니어
    • 월터 리마 주니어
    • 1938년 브라질 니테로이 출생. 법학을 공부했으며 영화평론가로 활동했다. 아돌포 첼리의<마라파>(1963)와 글라우버 로샤의 <검은 신, 하얀 악마>의 조감독을 지냈다. 70세의 나이에도 여전히 TV 분야에서 활동하며 현재까지 60편에 이르는 다큐멘터리를 연출했다. 대표작으로는 (1965), (1968), (1982), (1985), (1987), <중과 교수형집행인의 딸>(1994), <굴과 바람>(1997) 등이 있다.​ ,>ência>