Nirvana > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






러시아 | 2008 | 89min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Alisa, a nurse tired with her life in Moscow leaves for St. Petersburg in hopes of escaping from loneliness. There she meets two drug addicts: bartender, Vel and Vel ’s boyfriend, Dead Man. Conflict arises between Alisa and Vel over Dead Man, but when Alisa saves Vel from a Heroin overdose, a strange friendship is created between the two. When Dead Man is kidnapped for not paying his debts, the two women embark on an adventure into the St. Petersburg underworld, where guns and gangs rule, in order to save Dead Man. The debut feature of director, Igor Voloshin who worked as a punk musician and is an accomplished actor, writer and director in theatre, Nirvana incorporates his diverse experience as displayed in the unique sets and punk music. In this simple story surrounding the relationship between one man and two women who seem to lack any purpose in life, the director portrays with extraordinary sensibility, modern day people who escape from reality and live life recklessly. The extravagant costumes, accessories and exaggerated make-up the characters present are an interesting sight for the eyes, but also highlight in contrast the psychological emptiness they carry with them. (Chung Woochung)


  • 이고르 볼로신
    • 이고르 볼로신
    • 1974년 우크라이나 세바스토폴에서 출생했다. 1992년 지역의 청년극단에서 연기를 시작했으며 곧 볼코프 극장 아카데미에서 연기 수업을 받는다. 그는 자신이 극본을 쓰고 연출한 연극에서 직접 연기를 하기도 했다. 1998년부터 2000년까지 러시아국립영화학교에서 시나리오와 연출을 공부했으며 이후 스베르들로브스크 필름 스튜디오에서 두 편의 단편영화를 연출했다. <너바나>는 그의 장편 데뷔작이다.​