Estrellita > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






슬로베니아, 독일, 보스니아, 마케도니아 | 2007 | 97min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Dora Fabiani is a piano teacher, but more significantly, for 30 years she was a wife and muse to a violinist Mihael Fabiani. After his unexpected death, Dora discovers that she was not the only woman in his life and that her husband had kept a good deal of his intimate life to himself. She is deeply hurt by his betrayal. At that point, a modest boy from a poor family enters her life. Amir, who claims that he used to play with her late husband in some rather disreputable pub, would like to have a chance to play on Fabiani’s precious violin just for once. Dora listens to him play. It turns out that the boy is talented, but he lacks a proper musical education and he does not have an instrument of his own. Amir starts coming to her place to play the violin, and Dora senses that the precious instrument should pass on to the boy. She arranges that the boy is given music lessons and pays attention to his progress. However, a series of conflicts is triggered by Dora’s son, Julian, who appreciates just the financial value of the violin and claims his legitimate share. Since Dora turns a deaf ear to him, Julian decides to take his claim to the poor and unhappy family who place high hopes in the instrument. Yet Julian is unprepared for what follows. When he meets Amir’s beautiful and determined mother, the crucial conflict turns into a relationship that is much closer to love than to hatred.


  • 메토드 페벡
    • 메토드 페벡
    • 1958년 슬로베니아 류블랴나에서 태어났으며 영화, TV 연출가와 각본가, 소설가 그리고 배우이기도 하다. 대학에서 철학과 비교 문학을 전공한 그는 10년 이상 국립라디오 방송국에서 기자로 활동했다. 70, 80년대에는 슬로베니아와 유고의 장편 영화, TV영화와 시리즈에서 주연을 맡기도 했으며 첫 번째 장편영화의 원작인 되었던 소설‘카르멘’을 비롯, 여러 편의 소설과 단편 모음집을 쓰기도 했다. 작품으로는 <카르멘>(1995), <그녀의 창문 아래>(2003)가 있다.​