Drumbeat > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






필리핀 | 2007 | 90min | Drama


Have you ever thought about wishing for something so bad that you would do anything for it? Drumbeat is set in the slums of Manila, portraying the desire and despair of a boy who wants to own his own drum. Fourteen year old boy, Jason works hard to save money to buy a drum. However, the environment he is surrounded by makes it difficult for him to fulfill this humble dream. His pregnant mother whose due date is right around the corner, his brother Billy who has knocked up his girlfriend and everyone around him is in need of money. Eventually, Jason and Billy with the help of neighborhood bum, Pablo who is always hovering around the brothers, plan a small crime to get money for an abortion. But an unexpected turn spurs them towards their demise. Young Filipino filmmaker famous for his short production schedule, Adolfo B. Alix, Jr.’s latest work, Drumbeat effectively presents the desperate lives fighting for survival in the slums of Manila through the rough black and white texture. The occasional drum beats that substitute a background score are put together by another young Filipino filmmaker, Khavn De La Cruz, adding to the sense of urgency in the film. (Chung Woochung) ​


  • 아돌포 알릭스 주니어
    • 아돌포 알릭스 주니어
    • 다작으로 유명한 필리핀의 젊은 영화감독인 아돌포 알릭스 주니어는 짧은 기간 내에 영화를 완성하기로 유명하며 2007년 한 해 동안 4편의 장편을 완성하기도 했다. 그의 장편 데뷔작인 <돈솔>은 일본의 아시아 해양영화제에서 심사위원 특별상을 수상했으며 2007년 아카데미상 외국어영화상 부문에 필리핀 후보작으로 선정되기도 했다. 그는 각본가로도 활동 중이며 TV에서도 활발하게 활동하고 있다. 작품으로는 <염소>(2007), <나르스>(2007), <바타네스>(2007)가 있다.​