Café de Los Maestros > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Café de Los Maestros





미국, 브라질, 영국, 아르헨티나 | 2008 |90min | 35mm | Documentary Musical


Like the expression, ‘Tango in Argentina is not simply a dance but a way of life,’Argentina is experiencing a renaissance in their most treasured music tradition, Tango. Café de Los Maestros is the Argentine version of the Buena Vista Social Club as it brings together legendary masters of Tango, composer, Leopoldo Federico and guitarist, Anibal Arias. Music director, Gustavo Santaollala, a two-time Academy award winner for the music of Brokeback Mountain and Babel and also the music director of Motorcycle Diaries and 21 Grams has developed and produced this film which draws us into a moving feast presented by these veteran musicians. Aged between 70 to 95, these masters of Tango lead us into the essence of Tango, sensitive and filled with sorrow. Never released works and rearranged Tango masterpieces reach a climax when these veteran musicians perform their music and dance at the famous Téatro Colon in Buenos Aires. (Chun Jin-su)


  • 미구엘 코한
    • 미구엘 코한
    • 1957년생. UCLA에서 영화와 텔레비전 영상 제작을 전공했으며, 졸업 후, 다큐멘터리 제작자인 로스 맥엘위의 조감독 및 촬영감독으로 일을 하였다. 1998년 브라질 산살바도르 리세우 문화TV에 서 연출가 겸 제작자로서 일을 했다. 최근 작품으로 여러 국제 영화제에 초청받은 다큐멘터리 <위 대한 살리나스>(2004)가 있다.