Arirang > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






캐나다 | 2007 | 16min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


College student, Young- jin is involved in the independence movement with comrades who shared his vision for agricultural enlightenment when he falls in love with a powerful pro-Japanese leader’s daughter, Ji-suk. The couple attempts to elope to Shanghai when the March 1st independence movement breaks out only to be arrested by Ji-suk’s Japanese fiance, Suki whose marriage arrangements were forced upon her by her brother, Hak-su. Torture pushes Young-jin over the edge, but he regains consciousness and kills Oh Ki-ho who tries to rape Young-jin’s sister, Young-hee after being rejected of a marriage proposal. Bound in ropes, Young-jin recites the Declaration of Independence as he is taken to the hills of Arirang. This film is a 1974 remake of Na Un-gyu’s classic directed by Lim Won-shik who gives this version his own personal flair. Shin Seong-il and Huh Jang-gang both give a superb performance in this film.


  • 임원식
    • 임원식
    • 1935년 황해도 평산 출생으로 김승호, 최은희가 주연한 <청일전쟁과 여걸 민비>(1962)가 데뷔작품 이다. 그는 현대물보다 사극, 통속시대극을 많이 만들었는데, <밀명>(1968), <항구 8번지>(1969), <석양에 떠나가다>(1969)처럼 액션이 강한 역동적인 화면을 선호했다. 데뷔작인 <청일전쟁과 여걸 민비>로 대종상을 수상했으며, <어머니>로 1976년 대종상 최우수작품상을 수상했고, 2001년에는 문화관광부로부터 보관훈장을 받았다.