Meet Me in St. Louis > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Meet Me in St. Louis





미국 | 1944 | 113min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


St. Louis in 1903, wealthy businessman Mr. Smith has four lovely daughters. One day, Mr. Smith announces that he will have to move the family to New York for business reasons, but the four daughters are against this for their own personal reasons: some do not want to depart with beloved friends, another wants to pursue her puppy love with a neighborhood boy while others want to attend the 1904 St. Louis Fair. With the help of music and Technicolor, Meet Me in St. Louis displays romantic and family love against the backdrop of St. Louis as a peaceful, beautiful and nostalgic place. This was a typically strategic choice for the musical genre to cover up the confusing and depressing atmosphere that permeated the world during the 1940s. Accordingly, it is natural for the 21st century trendy woman’s New York fantasy, Sex and the City to pay homage to this film reflecting a sense of compassion for the classical and somewhat conservative idea of romance in the word,‘ love’which has become difficult to find in contemporary NYC where sex seems to carry more meaning. Regardless, there is no one who would deny the audio-visual pleasure this musical presents along with the greatest collaboration of MGM studio, the masters of musicals Arthur Freed and director, Vincente Minnelli and musical diva, Judy Garland. This is enough to put aside any ideological discourse and enjoy this film in Jecheon. (Hyuk-sang Denis Lee)


  • 빈센트 미넬리
    • 빈센트 미넬리
    • 1903년 미국 시카고 출생. 전성기 할리우드 스튜디오 시대를 대표하는 감독 중 한 명으로, <세인트루이스에서 만나요>(1944), <파리의 미국인>(1951), <지지>(1958)와 같은 뮤지컬 영화로 널리 알려져 있다. <지지>로 아카데미에서 감독상을 포함해 9개 부분을 수상했다. 브로드웨이에서의 뮤지컬 제작 경험을 살려 연출한 작품들로 당대 최고의 스타일리스트이자 미장센의 대가로 불리었으며, 뮤지컬 외에도 <보봐리 부인>(1949)이나 <신부의 아버지>(1950)같은 코미디나 멜로 드라마의 연출에서도 재능을 인정 받았다.​