Summer Days with Coo > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Summer Days with Coo





일본 | 2007 | 138min | 35mm | COLOR | Animation


One day, Koichi picks up a large stone on his way home from school. When he washes it clean, a young Japanese mythical water creature called,‘Kappa’jumps out with a “ coo”sound. It explains that it had been lying under the ground for several hundreds of years. Koichi and his family adopt the creature, naming it Coo. Koichi and Coo become good friends and spend joyful times together when suddenly Coo says that it wants to return to its world where its own Kappa friends lived. Koichi and Coo set out on a journey to find a place called ‘ Dono’where the Kappa legend still exists, but to their disappointment, they are unsuccessful and return home to be greeted by a group of reporters. Eventually their warm and idyllic summer vacation takes a drastic turn. Base on the three part series written by children’s literature writer, Kogure Masao, this film combines two part of the series:‘ Kappa oosawagi’and‘ Kappa bitguri tabi’, to create this animated epic feature for theatrical release. The film which took the director, Hara Keiichi five years to finish, was a project he wanted to make for the past 20 years. (Chun Jin-su)


  • 하라 게이치
    • 하라 케이이치
    • 1959년생 하라 케이이치 감독은 <짱구>시리즈 TV와 극장용 애니메이션 감독으로 유명하다. 1988년 영화<에스퍼 마미 별빛 하늘의 댄싱>으로 데뷔한 이래 많은 <짱구는 못 말려>시리즈를 연출하여 수상하기도 했다. 따듯하면서도 유머러스한 인간적인 감성을 화면과 이야기에도 잘 담아낸다.