Anita O'Day - The Life of a Jazz Singer > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Anita O'Day - The Life of a Jazz Singer





미국 | 2007 | 91min | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


Anita O’Day has been considered one of the singers who represent the golden age of American Jazz vocalists during the 1950s and 60s with her free-spirited melodies, scat, distinctive rhythm and swing style. However, unlike the glamorous appearances of show business, her life is a woman’s heartbreaking struggle to overcome hardships and adversities such as alcoholism, abortion, a 20-year heroin addiction, arrest and detention. For her entire life, she tried to act on her own will and never looked back or had regrets. Thanks to such strong and straightforward personality, she could actively continue a longlasting career as a singer until her death on November 23rd 2006. She recorded a new album at the age of 84, and even toured Europe. Robbie Cavolina, the director of this film and also the manager of Anita O’Day, unveils and reconstructs Anita O’Day’s life through rare footages of her performances with the masters including Gene Krupa, Stan Kenton and Louis Armstrong, interviews with jazz critics and her fellow singers, and footages of her last recording. The film also feasts our ears with over 30 pieces of jazz standards such as‘Body and Soul’,‘ Let’s Fall In Love’and‘Love for Sale’. The film has been received with great enthusiasm by the audience at over 20 film and jazz festivals. (Chun Jin-su)


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