Crazy Waiting > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Crazy Waiting





한국 | 2008 | 108min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


As its title implies, this film is a romantic comedy about four young couples who are going‘crazy’while 'waiting'. This is the story of four different couples: Jin-a and Eun-seok, a campus couple at the prime of their relationship; Hyo-jeong and her six year younger college student boyfriend, Won-jae; Indie band leader, Mincheol and his junior classmate, Bo-ram who has a secret crush on him; and Bi-ang and Wook who always seem to be at each other’s necks but never fail to be the funny sidekicks and how their relationships are in crisis when their male partners are drafted into military service. As the four men are cut off from the outside world and forced to adapt to strict rules and regulations while their girlfriends are left behind to deal with loneliness and various temptations, it is more than difficult for these young men and women to keep their love steady for the two years they are apart. Dealing with the particular Korean situation where men are required to serve in the military for a certain period of time, this film presents a realistic portrait of the conflicts and dilemmas that romantic couples in their twenties have to experience. Refusing to depict any side as a victim, the film reflects the nature of relationships which can change as well as presenting sex in addition to emotional currents as an intrinsic element of romance among modern day youths. Although this is not a music film fixed on exposing music as its main subject or form, the modern rock sound which accompanied most youth romance films after the 90s serves as a perfect barometer for the changes the characters go through in their romance. (Hwang Hei-rim)


  • 류승진
    • 류승진
    • 한국예술종합학교 영상원 영화과 졸업. 2002년 영상원 재학시절 단편 <저 푸른 초원>으로 클레르몽 페랑 국제단편영화제 경쟁부분에 초청받기도 했다. 여러 작품의 연출부, 스토리 보드 작가 등을 거쳐, <기다리다 미쳐>의 각본과 연출로 데뷔했다.​