A Different Way: Tango with Ro > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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A Different Way: Tango with Ro





스페인, 독일, 우루과이 | 2007 | 56min | COLOR | Documentary | Musical


‘If Bach was born again, he would have definitely become a bandoneon player ’. These are the words of Argentina’s leading bandoneon player, composer and ‘the successor of Piazzolla’, Rodolfo Mederos. Born in 1940, Mederos learned to play the bandoneon on his own and went on to perform in Astor Piazzolla’s orchestra, then created a unique music world that raised a new wave in Tango with his own ensemble, Generacion Cero and Orquesta Tipica. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, he has always claimed the city itself as his ‘muse’. His bandoneon performance carries the music imprints of life and his hometown. His music not only embraces the traditions but also the present and the future of Tango and in this sense, presents itself as a journey into time. The maestro’s interview which expresses his unlimited affection towards the ‘breathing instrument’, bandoneon and Tango, truly portrays the life of an artist and is a testament to how the beautiful landscapes of Argentina including Buenos Aires is reborn into music. And moreover, there is no doubt that the true focus of this film is the sorrow-ridden Tango music played by Mederos himself. (Chun Jin-su)


  • 가브리엘 졸로시
    • 가브리엘 졸로시
    • 1968년 우루과이 출생. 그래픽 디자이너로 활동하다 영화학교 졸업 후 단편 및 다큐멘터리 감독으 로 활동하고 있다. 첫 단편 (1995)는 우루과이, 아르헨티나, 멕시코, 미국 등에 서 상영되었으며 다큐멘터리 (2002)로 제20회 우루과이 영화제, 33회헝가리 영화주간, 미디어웨이브 국제영화제 등에서 대상을 수상했다. 현재 첫 장편 극영화 작업 중이다.