Universalove > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






오스트리아, 룩셈부르크, 세르비아 | 2008 | 83min | COLOR | Drama


In Marseille, Julie’s heart beats wildly when thinking of Rashid. In Tokyo, Satoshi dreams about his adored one who works in a soup restaurant but who doesn’t even know who he is. In Rio de Janeiro, Maria falls for a Telenovela star. In Belgrade, a couple fight for their very existence. In Brooklyn, the thoughts of a black taxi driver lead him into the emotional abyss of jealous love. In Luxembourg, a well-settled gentleman finally comes around to showing his true feelings for a young man... The year-long collaboration between filmmaker Thomas Woschitz and the pop group Naked Lunch gave rise to the idea of telling stories in a combination of film and pop music. This idea was then taken further and resulted in the concept of a choral film with interwoven storylines. And that way an unusual kind of music film evolved. Like a pop song, or an opera, Universalove is a film about big emotions. But, according to the director, what emerges is a musical for people, who would never watch a musical. The compulsory number revue in a musical that moves bodies in dance is substituted with music by the Austrian band Naked Lunch - fine-tuned and perfectly synchronised with the film scenes. The precisely-timed music parts orchestrate and structure the film. They are, when possible, played live to the cinema projection, thereby creating a friction of media between the partially effect-laden and artificial images and the performative directness and impetus of a highly-concentrated rock concert.


  • 토마스 보쉬츠
    • 토마스 보쉬츠
    • 오스트리아 클라겐푸르트에서 태어났으며 로마에서 영화를 공부했다. 단편과 중편영화들로 베니스, 로카르노, 칸영화제 등에 초청되었으며 다수의 실험영화 설치작업을 하기도 했다. 2005년 밴드‘네이키드 런치’와 함께 음악영화 <클로징 타임>을 연출했으며 영화편집자로도 활동했다.

네이키드 런치

네이키드 런치는 1991년 독일에서 데뷔한 4인조 밴드로 유럽과 미국에서도 앨범을 발표해 큰 반향을 일으켰다. 유럽 전역과 미국, 남미, 러시아에서 수차례의 무대 공연을 가졌으며 다양한 연극과 영화의 음악을 작곡하기도 했다.​