How to Be > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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How to Be





영국 | 2008 | 85min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Twenty-something Art is quite depressed and a frustrated musician, undergoing what he sees as a quarter life crisis. Vocationless and without direction, he tries to make his own way and become a singer/songwriter. But his girlfriend dumps him and he must move back to in with his uncommunicative parents who are far from thrilled with the idea. Art’s only friend, a agoraphobic Ronny, has his own problems. Holed up in a London flat in a daze of Nitrous Oxide and electro music, Ronny wants to start a band with Art and happy-go-lucky friend Nikki, but only if it involves going no further than the flat’s roof garden. One day Art finds a psychology guru Dr. Levi and invites him from Canada to UK. Art feels that he’s finding a turning point with Dr. Levi’s advices, but problems are not really solved. Art’s painfully funny journey to define his existence brings to the fore the dysfunctional relationship he has with his parents and the importance in his life of his oddball friends. Rich in detail and dark yet affectionate humors, How to Be is a timely look at the increasingly common phenomena of grown-up children living at home, frustrated creativity and self-help.


  • 올리버 어빙
    • 올리버 어빙
    • 올리버 어빙은 어린 시절부터 카메라로 영화를 찍기 시작했다. 이후 본머스영화학교에서 영화공부를 하였고, 음악적으로도 재능을 발휘하였다. <하우 투 비>는 올리버 어빙의 장편영화 데뷔작이다. 이 영화로 세계 여러 영화제에 초청되었으며, 뉴올리언즈영화제와 슬램댄스영화제 등에서 수상하였다. 현재 두 여인을 주인공으로 하여 감정, 소통, 관계를 포착하는 영화를 작업 중이다.