Princess of Africa > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Princess of Africa





스페인 | 2008 | 76min | COLOR | Documentary


Princess of Africa introduces the audience to two different princesses and their dreams. Marem is a 14-year-old girl from Senegal who studies dance and dreams of performing in Europe when she is older. Sonia is a professional dancer from Spain who is fascinated by African culture and creativity, and desires to experience an African lifestyle. The two women are by connected in Pap Ndiaye, a master griot (musician) who splits his time between Senegal and Europe. Marem is his daughter, and Sonia has just married Pap in Spain. Both women will find their dreams in the course of the film but each at a price. When Sonia arrives in Africa, she finds the vibrant colors and rhythms that have inspired her performances are intact, but she is faced with the realization that she is not the only wife of Pap Ndiaye. In fact, she is his third wife and she must come to terms with her expectations of marriage in an African society. Marem sees the other side of the coin. Her vision of Europe is utopian and the actual visit is a surprising revelation for her. A celebrated portrait of African life, is a beautiful documentary that is full of love between people and ideas while sharing an intoxicating vision of the way music and dance are woven into the cultural aesthetic. ​​


  • 후안 라구나
    • 후안 라구나
    • 감독이자 시나리오 작가, 작곡가, 프로듀서인 후안 라구나는 1980년 마드리드에서 태어났다. 2002년 그는 훌리안 프랑코와 함께 첫 번째 다큐멘터리 < Bereberia>를 만들었고 이 작품은 스페인 텔레비전(TVE)에서 방영되었다. 세 번째 다큐멘터리 <꿈꾸는 댄서>는 뉴욕아프리카영화제, 말라가영화제, 몬트리올영화제 등에서 수상했다.