Youssou N’dour: I Bring What I Love > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Youssou N’dour: I Bring What I Love





세네갈, 프랑스, 이집트, 미국 | 2008 | 102min | 35mm | COLOR | Documentary


Senegalese pop sensation Youssou N’Dour has spent the last 20 years in the spotlight as a world-renowned musician and the iconic representative “voice of Africa”. At the height of his career, Youssou became frustrated by the negative perception of his Muslim faith and composed Egypt, a deeply spiritual album dedicated to a more tolerant view of Islam. It was a critical and career-defining moment. N’Dour’s brave musical message was wholeheartedly embraced by Western audiences but ignited serious religious controversy in his homeland of Senegal. Combining unprecedented images of Senegal’s most sacred Muslim practices, vibrant concert performances filmed around the world, and intimate access to N’Dour and his family, Youssou N’dour: I Bring What I Love chronicles the difficult journey Youssou must undertake to assume his true calling. Youssou N’Dour is a voice of hope and tolerance, a modern day moral and political leader whose message transcends music but remains grounded in the universality of faith. Part explosive documentary, part stirring drama, Youssou N’Dour: I Bring What I Love is an unforgettable musical journey with an artist whose courage and conviction shook the music industry and ultimately awakened the world. The film opens the door to a life filled with hope that began humbly, with a respect for his family’s storytelling tradition and the desire to share his joy of music, and rose to become one of [Time] magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. ​​​​


  • 엘리자베스 차이 베사헬리
    • 엘리자베스 차이 베사헬리
    • 헝가리와 중국, 브라질의 혈통을 가진 감독 겸 프로듀서. 뉴욕과 리우데자네이루에서 자랐으며 프린스턴대학에서 비교문학을 공부했다. 전쟁 중 성년을 맞은 코소보 젊은이들에 대한 다큐멘터리 <평범한 삶>으로 2003년 트라이베카영화제에서 최우수다큐멘터리상을 수상했다. 포드재단, 록펠러재단, 그레브재단 등 여러 자선 재단의 장학금을 받았으며 <아프리카의 목소리 유쑨두>는 그녀의 첫 장편 다큐멘터리다.