Courting Condi > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Courting Condi





미국 | 2009 | 107min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


Can one man with a dream win the heart of the world’s most powerful woman? This is a documentary like none you have seen before -- the first musical docu-tragi-comedy in the history of cinema. Part Borat, part Fahrenheit 9/11, part Mamma Mia!, it follows a love-struck soul’s hilarious, emotionally engaging, and ultimately shocking quest to woo former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. A spin on the Rapunzel fairy-tale, this unique romantic/political/biographic feature follows Devin Ratray, a portly website designer, musician, former child actor (famed as Buzz in Home Alone), and besotted admirer of Condi, as he prepares to meet her. As Devin travels the country, learning more about the great lady from those who know her, Courting Condi tells the life story of one of our era’s most inspiring, enigmatic, and controversial figures. The film shows Dr. Rice’s positive sides - as a virtuoso pianist, a loyal friend and a successful scholar. She is a fearless warrior who obliterated the obstacles that society has raised against African American women. She is an iconoclastic American Dreamer who used determination and intelligence to fulfill her childhood ambition of reaching the White House. The film also reveals her tragic darkness. An only child, now orphaned, unmarried, childless, and with no significant relationship, she is afflicted with what Mother Teresa called “Man’s greatest poverty”: loneliness. This film is both timely and a classic love story, punctuated by timeless songs. It’s the first retrospective of the Bush Administration and will inspire audiences to laugh, sing and protest about the past eight years.


  • 세바스찬 도거트
    • 세바스찬 도거트
    • 캠브리지대학 킹스 칼리지에서 사회학과 정치학을 공부했으며 남미에서 저널리스트로 일했다. 영국에서 연극 연출과 TV 프로그램 연출을 하던 중 2000년에 미국으로 건너와 <프로젝트 런웨이> 등 수많은 TV 프로그램을 제작하고 연출했다. 스페인의 시인 페데리코 가르시아 로르카에 대한 책 등 3권의 책을 쓰고 <가디언>, <인디펜던트> 등에 다양한 글을 기고한 작가이기도 하다.