Rock On!! > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Rock On!!





인도 | 2008 | 145min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Rock On!! is the journey of four friends who come from significantly diverse backgrounds yet aspire one dream – to become the best rock band. Aditya, lead singer of Magik, a bohemian at heart, leaves the comfort of his parents to pursue his passion as Joe, lead guitarist, an idealist hails from a family of failed musicians and hence feels the pressure of not succumbing to the legacy. Together with KD – Killer Drummer, the heart of Magik and Rob, the laid back quiet fence sitter of the band, Magik is created. Magik aspires to become the greatest band the country has ever witnessed. Magik was one such band that wished to ride the wave when rock music was on the threshold of becoming the leader in mainstream music. These remained only in their hearts as destiny interferes and their dreams are shattered. Each member moves on to lead the so-called conventional life as Aditya gets married and Joe is already a family man with a kid. But a vacuum surrounds their life and existence. As they say ‘the cosmos transpires from the moment of intention to manifest the dream of every soul,’ fate conspires yet again to bring them together. Will life give Aditya, Joe, KD and Rob a second chance to fulfill their soul calling? Will they ever live their dream? Will Magik ever reach the pinnacle and be the greatest rock band that country has ever witnessed?


  • 아비쉑 카푸르
    • 아비쉑 카푸르
    • 아비쉑 카푸르는 배우, 작가, 감독으로 다양한 영화 경력을 쌓고 있다. 1996년 비핀 한다의 영화 < Uff! Yeh Mohabbat>를 비롯 세 편의 영화에서 배우로 활동한 뒤 2006년 첫 연출작인 <아리안>을 만들었다. 영화는 흥행에서는 좋은 성적을 거두지 못했지만 평단의 호평을 받았다. 2008년 자신의 경험을 바탕으로 시나리오를 쓴 <락온!!>을 연출했으며 이 작품은 흥행에 큰 성공을 거두고 2009년 Filmfare Award를 수상했다.