Bluesbreaker > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






프랑스 | 2007 | 70min | Drama


Twenty- year- old Rene is an apprentice storekeeper at the local supermarket. Mr. Maurice, the head storekeeper, took him out of an orphanage and has become the father Rene never had. Rene has a dream. He wants to be a great Blues guitarist, like his idol, a British guitarist of the 70s. To lonely Rene, Blues seems to be the only thing on earth that gives him pleasure, maybe except the smile on Nathalie’s face. She’s the accountant at the same supermarket and Rene is in love with her. He can’t find the words to express his feelings but he is confident that he can win her heart with his music when the time is right. But when Mr. Maurice retires, Rene’s world starts to turn upside down. His new boss bullies him, his guitar hero dies, and worst of all, he fails to win Nathalie’s heart. Only the blues can pull him through. Rene takes on the appearance of his idol: his voice, his style and his mission. The sound of his guitar, his powerful raspy voice, his long silver hair and his Angel-like face make him a star for an imaginary audience. He's become “silver head,” the great guitarist. But as times go by, even though Rene tries to keep “silver head’ hidden away inside himself, his dream inevitably takes over reality.


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