Queen Rock Montreal Cine Sound > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Queen Rock Montreal Cine Sound





영국 | 2007 | 95min | COLOR | Documentary


The 35mm film footage of a legendary live concert Queen gave in Montreal in 1981 was miraculously found in a film archive in 2007. In order to fully restore the 95-minute-long film footage, a tremendous amount of time and effort was poured into the work; it must have taken ten times more effort compared to working on a film for the live performances commonly shot these days. Starting with inputting approximately fourteen thousand still shots, 700 digital technicians carefully restored the images and sound that were lost or distorted and removed the noises in the original recording tape. They also refined the sound of applause and the screams of the audience as well as the sound of each instrument and the vocalist. The result is this digitally re-mastered film entitled Queen Rock Montreal Cine Sound Ver. It is thanks to the passion Brian May, the guitarist of Queen, had for the restoration and the effort the digital technicians put into their work that we can appreciate in 2009 the recording of the concert, which is widely known as the best live performance in history to Queen fans. Presenting the most-loved British rock band playing their hits from the 70’s and the early 80’s such as ‘We Will Rock You’, ‘Somebody to Love’, ‘Love of My Life’, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and ‘We Are the Champions’, this film is definitely a precious opportunity to reaffirm Queen’s genius for music. As a JIMFF highlight Queen Rock Montreal Cine Sound Ver. will be screened at Cheongpung Lakeside Stage, Jecheon’s pride and joy, known for scenery like a landscape painting. It will be a special, unforgettable experience for the audience to enjoy Queen’s fantastic live performance by Cheongpung Lake where the water and the woods create a beautiful harmony


  • 솔 스위머
    • 솔 스위머
    • 1936년 미국 출생. 감독이자 프로듀서로 활동한 솔 스위머는 특히 음악과 관련된 많은 작업에 참여하였다. 비틀즈의 멤버인 조지 해리슨과 유명 뮤지션들이 대거 참여하여 만들어진 <콘서트 포 방글라데시>(1972)가 대표작이며, 비틀즈의 마지막 다큐멘터리인 <렛 잇 비>(1970)에 공동 제작으로 참여하였다. 2007년 70세의 나이로 생을 마감하였다.