Going against Fate > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Going against Fate





스위스 | 2008 | 80min | COLOR | Documentary


The documentary Going against Fate follows the American conductor David Zinman and the Tonhalle-Ochestra Zurich during rehearsals, concerts and the recording of Gustav Mahler’s 6th Symphony. The central character of the film is the charismatic David Zinman who takes us through the film, providing both content information and an emotional connecting thread. His narration of Mahler’s private life gives us insight into the emotional and musical world of the eminent composer. At the same time, we look behind the scenes and witness how conductor and orchestra interact on their journey towards the finished recording, as they unravel the secret of a musical masterpiece: the symphony. In many ways, Gustav Mahler’s music expresses his searching, tinged with self-doubt, and his longing to explore the most remote areas of the human soul. The problematic existence of mankind was on his mind for his entire life and an ever inspiring, powerful source of his creativity. Every new piece of work was a further attempt to find an answer. The 6th Symphony, called ‘Tragic’, is his most autobiographical and personal work. The film conveys Zinman’s intense closeness to Mahler’s emotional universe and takes the audience on a powerful visual and aural journey into the world of sounds. ​


  • 비비아네 브루멘샤인
    • 비비아네 브루멘샤인
    • 1969년 독일 작센 지방에서 태어난 비비아네 블루멘샤인은 많은 상을 수상한 감독이자 작가이다. 뤼네베르크에 있는 레우파나 대학에서 미디어와 문화를 전공한 그녀는 <모두를 위한 춤>(2007) 으로 여러 영화제에서 수상했다. 현재 베를린을 근거지로 활동 중인 그녀는 음악 다큐멘터리에 특히 전문성을 가지고 꾸준히 작품을 내놓고 있다.