At Second Glance - Social Club > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

At Second Glance - Social Club





독일 | 2007 | 81min | COLOR | Documentary


The million-dollar success of Cuban music has turned the resonant name into a popular term used across the globe. But did the Social Club Buena Vista really exist? In the film from Wim Wenders, Compay Segundo searched for the club's building in front of the camera. Was this place simply an urban myth? Two students started out on their own journey in search for the real club. But the passers-by in the Havana-center warn them of the small afro-Cuban quarter in the offside of the metropolis. “When the Berlin wall came down I was 19. While the German reunification made one land out of two, for me personally it made two lives out of one. Before 1989 Cuba was a quite unspectacular place for me. The official propaganda forced the images of the socialist confederate. Many Cubans worked and studied in Leipzig, my hometown in the east of Germany. The contact got lost when the Cuban government retracted them overnight in 1989. For me the second life began. With the western TV-sets the images of Cuba changed too: the media presented suspect stereotypes of decadence and nostalgia. And while I thought about what would became of me without the political turnaround Cuba got bit by bit the aura of a linear pendant in compare to my own history. I really could not imagine how the people live, what they hope for and dream about. High time to go there. I did. In a small quarter of Havana I met Cuban people between stagnation and retrieval of own strength. It was a unique experience to make a film about. For me personally it connected my two lives to one again.” – Director’s Statement​


  • 칼슈텐 묄러
    • 칼슈텐 묄러
    • 칼슈텐 묄러는 1970년 독일 라이프치히 출생으로 고향의 시각예술학교에서 2002년까지 미디어 예술을 공부했다. 1994년 첫 단편 < Nabelwelt>가 라이프치히 국제다큐멘터리/애니메이션 영화제에서 상영되었고, 1999년에는 영화 포럼인 Fernsehen macht schon을 설립하기도 했다. <부활! 부에나비스타 소셜클럽>은 묄러의 두 번째 장편 다큐멘터리 영화다.