Adventures in Listening - Kurt Masur > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Adventures in Listening - Kurt Masur





캐나다, 브라질, 독일 | 2008 | 56min | COLOR | Documentary


Kurt Masur, one of the world’s great Maestros, challenges and teaches the next generation of young musicians and conductors by stretching their limits and transforming their perspectives and abilities. “Sometimes silence can be like a shout,” he tells his students. “The ability to listen is the key of understanding the score.” Following master classes around the world over a period of few years, the film is a carefully constructed collage organically interweaving vignettes of the Maestro’s personal life juxtaposed with his music lessons and the inseparable connection between the two. The result is a comprehensive emotional portrait of one of the most respected conductors of our time. The film accompanies Masur on this personal journey as he moves between different locations and cultures. We travel from a masterclass that takes place in Breslau(Wroclaw) Poland, to Brieg - a short distance from Masur’s beloved childhood home; and from Campos De Jordao Brazil, to New York’s Manhattan School of Music each time capturing intimate moments with unprecedented access to the great Maestro. Adventures in Listening - Kurt Masur captures the mysterious power of the Conductor and the psychology and emotional depth of the art of conducting — the magical authority that connects music with musicians and audiences worldwide in a timeless and masterful fusion.


  • 아밋 브로이어
    • 아밋 브로이어
    • 이스라엘에서 태어났으며 현재 캐나다에서 활동하고 있는 다큐멘터리 프로듀서 겸 감독. 1992년 제작사 Amythos Films을 설립했다. 2002년 이스라엘 다큐멘터리 발전에 대한 공로를 인정받아 이스라엘 문화성이 수여하는 상을 수상했으며 세 개의 이스라엘 아카데미상과 요리스이벤스상 등을 수상하기도 했다. 2004년 캐나다로 이주해 토론토에서 남편과 딸과 함께 살고 있으며, 토론토 이스라엘-팔레스타인영화제와 토론토 유태인영화제의 프로그래머로 활동하고 있다.