YOU and YOU > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






한국 | 2008 | 97min | HD | COLOR | Drama


Yeon-joo and Gae-young are the closest of friends, having been members of the same choir for seven years. Then there’s Seo-young, whose mother expects her to make up for her father’s failures. The choir is the only place she can actually breathe freedom. To these girls, a solo audition finds its way. Seo-young wins the solo spot for an upcoming competition. But her mother refuses to allow her to invest any more time into the choir, and she pulls her daughter out of the program altogether. Seo-young’s departure leaves Yeon-joo and Gaeyoung, who had tied for second place, competing for the spot. The teachers eventually choose Yeon-joo for the solo and Gae-young – her brimming expectations replaced by disappointment – finally manages to congratulate her friend. While in a practice room, Gae-young happens to overhear a conversation between Yeon-joo and a voice teacher. Believing the teacher had conspired to give the role to Yeon-joo from the beginning, Gae-young is overwhelmed with a sense of betrayal that makes her shudder. The choir members catch wind of rumors of the alleged conspiracy. The next day at practice, they bombard Yeon-joo with accusatory questions. As if being chased, Yeon-joo abruptly quits the choir. With her and Seo-young gone, the choir’s mood is unsettled and the day of competition arrives. On the day of the competition, the choir’s turn is fast-approaching, but soloist Gae-young is nowhere to be found.


  • 박제현
    • 박제현
    • 1968년생. 중앙대학교 연극영화과를 졸업했다. 대학교 재학 당시 김성홍 감독의 <그래 가끔 하늘을 보자>의 조연출로 영화계에 입문했으며 2000년의 <단적비연수>가 첫 장편 영화 연출작이다. 이후 <울랄라 씨스터즈>, <내 남자의 로맨스> 등을 통해서 상업영화 감독으로 입지를 쌓아왔다. 평소 합창단의 공연 때마다 영상과 연출로 참여해왔던 박제현 감독에게 <유앤유>는“너희들의 목소리가 더 많은 사람들에게 들리도록 하겠다.”고 했던 합창단원들과의 약속을 지킨 결과이기도 하다.