Frogs & Toads > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Frogs & Toads





네덜란드 | 2009 | 75min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Six years old Max is sleeping over at his Granny’s for one night because his older brother Jannus has to go to hospital to have his tonsils removed. Jannus wants Max to bring him frog spawn in the hospital or he’ll never speak again. Max runs off from grandmother’s house to fulfil this mission and travels into nature to find frog spawn. On his way, Max runs into Jesse, a girl of his age who wants to become a veterinary nurse. Max tells her about his goal and Jesse decides to come with him. Together, these two children go from one adventure to the next: they encounter a caterpillar that walks funny, an orphan boy who teaches them to milk cows, a girl that plays with pigs and they even stand eye to eye with a fox and a deer! Above all of these, will Max and Jesse also succeed in finding frog spawn?


  • 시몬 반 듀쉘돌프
    • 시몬 반 듀쉘돌프
    • 1967년 출생한 시몬 반 듀쉘돌프는 사진과 시나리오, 연출을 공부했으며 2001년 연출한 단편 < Exit>는 베를린영화제에서 상영되었다. 이 후 아동용 TV 시리즈물과 단편 제작을 병행하다가 2005년 < Deep>으로 장편 데뷔했으며 이 작품으로 제네바영화제 최우수 작품상과 여우주연상을 수상했다.