The Mystery of Morphus > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Mystery of Morphus





독일 | 2008 | 96min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


What happens when all of a sudden all people fall asleep and you are the only one who stays awake? This is what ten-year-old Nicki involuntarily experiences when the last composition called ‘Morphus’ by the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven accidentally ends up in his schoolbag. The melody holds magic powers to make everybody who listens to it fall asleep. Only few people know about this secret such as the gangsters Max and Kwapisch. The gangsters follow Nicki and his father when they go into the snowy mountains, to steal the Morphus score. They want to use the magic force of the music for their racketeering. For a shy boy like Nicki, this is the start of a turbulent adventure. After arriving at the hotel Nicki learns about the magic powers of the melody when he starts playing it on his trumpet. He experiences that suddenly all people around him fall asleep except for the gangster Max. Now he is completely alone and has to face the attacks and intrigues of the gangster. He has to fight for the Morphus score to save himself, his dad and everyone else from the evil doings of the villain. In this difficult situation, he makes substantial progress and changes from an anxious child into a self-confident boy. Mystery of Morphus is a modern fairytale, an exciting adventure and great family entertainment.


  • 카롤라 핫토프
    • 카롤라 핫토프
    • 1949년 출생한 카롤라 핫토프 감독은 독일 영상 아카데미에서 수학한 뒤 TV 방송국과 영화사에서 일하며 수많은 작품에 참여했다. 이후 1990년부터 4년 간 판타시오 영화사에서 프로듀서, 감독, 각본가로 활동하며 등 많은 가족 영화에 참여했고, 94년 이후로 프리랜서 작가이자 감독으로 활동 중이다.