Sogyumo Acacia Band’s Story > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Sogyumo Acacia Band’s Story





한국 | 2009 | 87min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


The Sogyumo Acacia Band is a duo band composed of Min-hong and Eun-jie. Their sentimental melodies and lyrics have been very popular in Korea, allowing the band to keep on going up to now. The band begins a group project by inviting freelance members to participate for more diverse musical activities. One of them Yozoh, debuts through the Sogyumo Acacia Band and becomes very popular, causing Min-hong and Eun-jie to have conflicts, especially regarding Yozoh’s presence and her role in their band. They doubt whether their current music is what they had originally pursued. This documentary film tries to capture these Korean musicians’ life and music with society surrounding them at the same time. Focusing on their emotional reaction to given situations and the everyday struggle to do what they really want to, it tries to represent them in a more broad social context.


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    • 1968년 출생. 고려대학교 금속공학과를 졸업하고, 중앙대 영화학과, 한국영화아카데미에서 수학했다. 칼아츠에서 연출 전공 순수미술석사를 받았고, 현재 중앙대학교 영화과 교수를 역임하고 있다. 작품으로는 < Play It Again>(2004), <대중연희에서 영화로>(2005) 등이 있다.