Scandal Makers > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Scandal Makers





한국 | 2008 | 108min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Hyun-soo was once an idol star with millions of teenage girl fans. Now in his mid-thirties, he is still popular as the DJ of the number one hit radio show and lives a peaceful life with nothing to complain about until the scandal of his life is knocking on his door out of blue. Jung-nam, who has been pretending to be a faithful listener of his show sending the program her stories every day, suddenly calls on him and claims that Hyun-soo is her father. Not only that, she has a little son! Jung-nam stalks Hyun-soo at his home and the station and his perfect life is about to crumble to pieces. To make matters worse, he gets caught up in a scandal with Jung-nam. Hyun-soo does what he can to salvage his celebrity image but he faces too many hurdles to stop Jung-nam and her son from taking over his life. It boils down to one last show to test whether he is fit to be a true star.


  • 강형철
    • 강형철
    • 용인대학교 영화영상학과 졸업. 첫 장편 영화 <과속 스캔들>(2008)로 청룡영화상 신인감독상, 한국영화평론가협회상 신인감독상, 상하이국제영화제 아시아신인작품상 등을 수상했다. <써니>는 두 번째 연출작으로 2011년 상반기 한국에서 관객 수 700만이 넘는 흥행을 기록했다.