Just Kidding > 영문_2009_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Just Kidding





한국 | 2008 | 85min | COLOR | Drama


Five young guys have been dying to play music for a living. There are Hucheck and Pazama Zingo, who made a successful debut in the music business by winning the first prize at the Music Festival for University Students; then there’s Shukaka who happens to be selected as their drummer after meeting them when he returns their guitar which he accidentally found on the subway; and finally there are Jonny Kim and Heavy Porter who were encouraged to join the band by Manager Gu who had been much impressed by their music and passion and volunteered to be their manager. That’s how the five members got together. And they have one man by them as a fan and manager. After many ups and down, they are united together under the name ‘SuperKidd’. Playing, and singing excitedly on stage, was all they wanted to. But, they still have a long way to go. Other than music, they also need to eat, sleep and find time to meet their girlfriends suffering from depression. Faced with a harsh reality, they don’t have an answer to all the mounting issues. Even if they are crazy about music, it is not always possible for them to sacrifice everything for it.


  • 이무영
    • 이무영
    • 감독이자 시나리오 작가는 물론, 대중 음악 평론가로도 널리 알려져 있으며, 문화계에서 전방위적으로 활약하고 있는 이무영 감독은 <본 투 킬> (1996), <공동 경비구역 JSA> (2000), <복수는 나의 것> (2002) 등의 영화의 시나리오 작가로 먼저 알려지기 시작했고, 2001년 <휴머니스트>로 장편 연출 데뷔를 했다. 2008년 작품인 자신의 첫 음악 영화 <아버지와 마리와 나>를 연출했고, 영화 <저스트 키딩>을 통해 꾸미지 않은 진짜 록 밴드의 이야기를 담았다.