The One Man Beatles > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The One Man Beatles





이탈리아 | 2009 | 53min | 35mm | Documentary


The curious case of Emitt Rhodes, the mysterious forgotten pop star from the 60s-70s, once dubbed as the secret alter ego of Paul McCartney. Considered by many as The One Man Beatles, his solo recordings of the early 1970s show a clear Paul McCartney influence in both vocals and musicianship. Rhodes began his career in musical ensembles The Merry- Go-Round as lead singer. In 1970, he recorded his first album Emitt Rhodes, and his fourth album Farewell to Paradise was released in 1973. This documentary is a moving journey looking for him, now flushed out and placed in front of a videocamera after spending many years in his house full of old guitars and vintage amplifiers. Cosimo Messeri records the bitterness of his American dream and the traps of the music industry, in a dazed and enthusiastic diary: a portrait of unfulfilled ambitions and loneliness.


    • 코지모 메세리
    • 코지모 메세리는 1984년 피에솔레에서 태어나 난니 모레티, 카를로 마자쿠라티 등 이탈리아 주요감독들의 조감독으로 활동했다. 그가 직접 각본과 연기, 연출을 맡은 첫 단편영화 <젤드맨>(2006)은 발다르노시네마페딕에서 최우수신인감독상과 비평가상 등을 수상했다. ‘플라스틱맥스 ’밴드에서 작곡가 겸 연주가로도 활동하고 있다.