Joan Baez: How Sweet the Sound > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Joan Baez: How Sweet the Sound





미국 | 2009 | 82min | HD | Documentary


In the first comprehensive documentary to chronicle the private life and public career of Joan Baez, this film examines her history as a recording artist and performer as well as her remarkable journey as the conscience of a generation. Filled throughout with breathtaking performances spanning her entire career; from never before seen footage of her as a teenager starting out singing in Cambridge to her recent tour; the filmmakers capture Baez in conversations with close companions and even in repose making for a most intimate experience of unparalleled access. The film is also rich in archival footage detailing her controversial visit to North Vietnam and her close relationship with Dr. King.


  • 매리 워튼
    • 매리 워튼
    • 프로듀서이자, 작가, 감독으로 활동하며 음악에 대한 다큐멘터리를 주로 만들어 왔다. 작품으로는 2004 그래미상을 받은 <샘 쿡: 전설>이 있다. 또한 그래미상 수상작인 <브루스 스프링스틴: 자동차의 날개>(2005)에서 프로듀서로, 스파이크 존즈와 랜스 뱅이 연출한 <원하는 건 뭐든지 말해: 모리스 센닥>(2009)의 제작자로 일했다.