All You Need Is Klaus > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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All You Need Is Klaus





| 2009 | 90min


In 1960, Klaus Buermann, then an art school student, met the Beatles for the first time in Hamburg. They were still unknown young men, and when Klaus moved to London three years later and shared a flat with the four Beatles, they had already become the embodiment of a new youth culture. Klaus Boormann first started his career in London as a graphic designer. He won a Grammy Award in 1966 for the Beatles' “Revolver” album, which he designed, and in the same year he became the bass player in the Manfred Mann Band. His playing career continued with John Lennon's Plastic Ono Band in 1969. In 1971, he shared the stage with Bob Dylan at a concert in Bangladesh, and in 2002, he played with Eric Clapton and Paul McCartney at the George Harrison tribute concert. The film follows the life of graphic designer and musician Klaus Boormann, taking us to the major stages of Britain and the United States where he played, and to the side of his friends Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Curly Simon, Randy Newman and other stars.


  • 요르크 분츄
    • 요르크 분츄
    • 1953년 독일 하이델베르크 출생. 하이델베르크와 뮌헨, 그리고 뉴욕에서 철학, 문학, 경제학을 공부했다. 그는 <바바리아 블루>(1990), <존 리 후커 - 나의 이야기>(2001), <아일린 그레이>(2006) 등 200편이 넘는 영화의 작가, 감독, 제작자로 활동해왔다. 1980년에는 킥필름프로덕션을 설립, 대표로 재직하고 있다.