A Singing Fairy > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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A Singing Fairy





중국 | 2010 | 90min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Chinese American musician Wei Wende is encountering himself into music composing. His mentor was impressed by a theme song from the movie Third Sister Liu, and encourages Wei Wende to find the inspiration of composing from his homeland. Wei’s grandpa, who has always been worried about Wei’s marriage, secretly arranges his friend Uncle Mo to find a girl for Wei. Since Wei Wende was about to visit Guangxi, Uncle Mo finds the travel agency to arrange a qualified tour guide A Mei. Unfortunately, the tour guide A Mei had some personal affairs to deal with, so she asked her best friend Liu Tiantian to do her a favor. While exploring the diverse ethnic musical traditions, their relationship is complicated by romantic misunderstandings. As the music starts, the loving couple can finally be together.


  • 주 펑
    • 주 펑
    • 베이징영화아카데미에서 영화연출 석사과정을 졸업한 주 펑은 현재 상하이필름스튜디오에서 감독으로 일하고 있다. 그는 디지털 영화<나는 제시카를 사랑해>(2005)로 제 10회 후아비아오시상식에서 최고 디지털 영화상을, CCTV-6 바이허시상식에서 최고 감독상을 수상했다. 또 다른 작품 <이른 여름>(2006)은 유소년 모스크바국제영화제에 초대된 바 있다.