The Concert > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Concert





프랑스, 이탈리아, 루마니아, 벨기에 | 2009 | 119min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


In Brezhnev days of Soviet Union, a promising orchestra conductor Andreï Filipov is discharged because of his disobedience to the Party's anti- Jewish policy. His oppressed passion for music finds an escape one day when Andreï, now a janitor of Bolshoi Theatre, happens to see a fax message from Châtelet Theatre of Paris in the director's room. The message, which is an invitation for Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra, sparks an idea in his head which result in gathering his expelled Jewish colleagues and their concert tour in Paris instead of Bolshoi's. Only one thing is in Andreï's mind: to perform a violin concerto of Tchaikovsky with a young violinist Anne-Marie Jacquet. What's the relationship between them, and why their choice has to be that concerto? The film illustrates pain of Soviet musicians, who suffers from political pressure in their pre-Perestroika era. The director Radu Mihaileanu, who was born in Romania, has kept an energetic directing career. Recollecting his own childhood in Ceausescu days, he conducts warmhearted humor with elegant melodies in The Concert. The composer Armand Amar's second collaboration with the director rewarded him with the César Award. Through the story of musicians who has never left the chord only the collaboration can achieve, and the chord which revives as a Tchaikovsky's beautiful tune at histories theatre of Châtelet, the film delivers not only the moving power of music but also the passion for overcoming a shattered past by that power.


  • 라두 미하일레아누
    • 라두 미하일레아누
    • 1958년 루마니아 부카레스트 출생. 1980년 차우세스쿠 독재정권의 폭압을 피해 이스라엘을 거쳐 프랑스로 이주한 라두 미하일레아누는 프랑스 국립영화학교 IDHEC을 졸업한 후, 스탈린 체제 하에서 루마니아의 반체제적 시인이 겪게 되는 역경을 다룬 첫 장편 <밀고>(1993)를 발표했다. 나치의 유태인 학살을 독특한 관점에서 풀어나간 <트레인 오브 라이프>(1998)로 베니스영화제와 선댄스영화제에서, <리브 앤 비컴>(2005)으로 베를린영화제에서 수상하며 크게 주목받았다. 그의 네 번째 장편 극영화인 <더 콘서트>는 프랑스에서 2010 세자르 최우수 음악상을 수상했으며 40만 명 이상의 관객을 동원하여 흥행에서도 좋은 성적을 올렸다.