The Tango Singer > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Tango Singer





아르헨티나 | 2008 | 105min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Luis had a happy chilhood thanks to his mother, who helped him to enjoy things he could. His father was the one who taught him to sing and love Tango music. When Luis was seven years old, he could not walk because of the hemophilic arthrosis he had, but he was never bored. He could bear all the suffering caused by this illness, thanks to the love of his family. When he was 25 years old he met Ines, they fall in love and got married. His son’s birth produced some motivation that made him to return to his old passion, singing Tango. At the Homero Manzi ‘Peña’ he met Antonio Pisano, an excellent accordionist. After that they started playing together for thirteen years, and were really successful. When he was at the top of his career, his mother died, and this made him depressed. Then Luis fell in love with Maria, a very young woman, and he abandoned his wife. In 1988, Luis made a dream come true, becoming an international ‘torcan’ when he sang in the Tango festival in Brazil.


  • 가브리엘 아레귀
    • 가브리엘 아레귀
    • 가브리엘 아레귀는 2002년 직접 각본과 제작을 맡은 <개 도살자>로 감독 데뷔했다. 이 영화는 부에노스아이레스독립영화제, 뉴욕영화제, 바르샤바영화제 등에 초청됐다. <엘 토르칸>은 2008 카이로국제영화제에서 상영된 바 있다.