December > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






아이슬란드 | 2009 | 91min | COLOR | Drama


Set during the Christmas holiday’s season, December is a sweet-natured and present-day coming-of-age tale dealing with rather harsh realities of a family breakdown in the run up to Christmas. After a long time living abroad, Jonni returns home to Iceland to spend Christmas with his family and to record an album with his old band. He soon finds out that family circumstances have changed dramatically and that his friends have moved on. Dealing with this blunt new reality, Jonni also has to wrestle with the reigniting of an old flame, as he helps his family make Christmas merry in spite of everything. Tomas Lemarquis, the star of Noi the Albino (2003), plays Jonni.


  • 힐마르 오드손
    • 힐마르 오드손
    • 1957년 아이슬란드 레이캬빅에서 태어났으며, 독일 뮌헨에서 영화연출을 공부했다. 감독, 제작자, 시나리오 작가, 작곡가 등으로 다양한 활동을 해왔다. 작품으로는 <짐승>(1986), <바위의 눈물>(1995), <흔적없음>(1998), <차가운 빛>(2003)과 다수의 TV 드라마가 있다.