Carmen of the North > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Carmen of the North





네덜란드 | 2009 | 82min | COLOR | Drama


Carmen of the North tells the love tragedy of the young inspector Joz, who is on the verge of getting married to Maryam. For the young inspector, intimacy is directly linked with the violent ending of the relationship between his parents. Joz is constantly in an inner fight, he is afraid to become as violent as his father. He is very insecure when it comes to love. He is suddenly assigned a big case about a murdered prostitute. His relationship is threatened when, as part of the investigation, he meets the alluring Carmen, a beautiful free-spirited and ambitious young woman. Unable to resist Carmen, he puts his entire future at stake. Deeply within he wants a normal life, but he cannot escape from Carmen and his future is no longer certain.


  • 옐레 네스나
    • 옐레 네스나
    • 영화아카데미를 졸업한 후 드라마와 다큐멘터리 분야에 종사한 옐레 네스나는 다수의 작품을 연출하여 각종 상을 수상하였다. 네덜란드 시인 얀 아렌츠의 강렬한 작품과 감동적인 삶을 다룬 영화 <아렌츠>(1997)를 연출하여 호평받은 바 있다.