The General > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The General





미국 | 1926 | 74min | 35mm | Drama


Johnny Gray has two loves in his life: his engine, The General, and his girl, Annabelle Lee. When the Civil War breaks out in 1861, he is refused by the army because he is more useful as an engineer than as a soldier. Annabelle, not understanding the reason, shuns him as a coward. She refuses to even speak to him until he is in uniform. Time passes and a group of Northern spies steal The General while Annabelle is still on board. Johnny must rescue both his loves. The film offers several spectacular action sequences (much more than some blockbusters) as performed live.


  • 버스터 키튼
    • 버스터 키튼
    • 미국의 슬랩스틱 코미디 배우이자 감독, 각본가이다. 대표작으로 <카메라맨>, <제너럴> 등이 있다.​