Doors: The Doors > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Doors: The Doors





영국 | 2008 | 50min | Documentary


If the Doors had only recorded their debut album they would still have been assured a place in rock and roll history. Released during 1967, the album still sounds as fresh and exciting today. A mix of blues, rock and jazz, together with the voice and lyrics of Jim Morrison made the album one of the greatest debut albums of all time. By use of interviews, musical demonstration, rare archive footage and live performances, this documentary tells the story behind the conception and recording of this groundbreaking album. The surviving members of the Doors share their memories of the bands early days, the making of this album and throw essential light onto living with the lyrical genius Jim Morrison.


밥 스미튼

밥 스미튼은 그래미상 수상자이자 에미상에 3번 노미네이트 된 음악, 예술 다큐멘터리 감독이다. 영화와 TV 프로그램 작업과 동시에, 록밴드 White Heat의 리드보컬이자 작곡가로도 활동하고 있다. 비틀즈, 엘튼 존, 더 후, 핑크 플로이드, 더 도어즈, 퀸, 너바나, 마크 노플러, 스파이스 걸스 등 유수의 아티스트들과 작업을 이어왔다.