In the Cold Cold Night 03_Repeat Mark > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

In the Cold Cold Night 03_Repeat Mark





한국 | 2009 | 31min | COLOR | Documentary


This is a story about Nam Yu-jin who owns a club in Gwangju, Korea, and an independent band who plays there. The music documentary Heaven Track was lost in a veritable maze in its production until 2007. The director’s original plan which was to film alternative Indie scenes and space throughout the whole country faded. In the cold cold night 03_Repeat Mark is a story of Never Mind, a culture club in Gwang-ju of South Korea, and it shows how Never Mind survived and evolved away from mainstream. This film was screened at the 15th Indie Forum and 10th Indie Document Festival.


  • 기채생
    • 기채생
    • 1978년 생. 자신이 직접 연출, 촬영, 편집을 맡아 작업을 하고 있으며, 전작 (2007)은 제4회 제천 국제음악영화제에서 소개된 바 있다.