Dear Music: That is, Their Fan > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Dear Music: That is, Their Fan





한국 | 2009 | 76min | HD | COLOR | Drama


Having read a message on the internet selling a rare LP record, a young violinist in a local broadcast station orchestra borrows the money with his own violin as collateral. However, when he arrives at the appointed place, the seller tells him that she has already sold the album to a middle-aged man on a motorcycle. Bewildered, the violinist takes the seller on his scooter, and begins to chase after the buyer. The buyer drives his motorcycle composedly as he leads the scooter. It isn’t easy to catch the motorcycle with the scooter. As they go further away from Seoul, the chase between them changes into a silent stroll. The three end up in a pension on a windy sand hill of the beach.


  • 박성오
    • 박성오
    • 단국대학교 대학원에서 영화제작을 전공했으며, 현재 대학에서 강사로 활동 중이다. <복서>(2000), <연애담>(2002) 등의 단편이 국내외 여러 영화제에서 소개된 바있다. <친애하는 음악: 다시 말해서, 오후 한 시 가회동에서 만난 그들이 바다로 가는 판타지>는 그의 장편 데뷔작이다.