Butterfly Flavored Biscuit > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Butterfly Flavored Biscuit





한국 | 2010 | 81min | COLOR | Documentary


This film is a story about Nabimat (which means “Butterfly Favored” in Korean), a rock band which played in Busan for 7 years. It is not easy for an independent band to survive in a local town that cannot provide enough chances to perform, and all the members having different occupations is not helping. Despite of such obstacles, they succeed to assure fans the uniqueness of their music and eventually record the first album in January 2009. They even appear on a radio program in Seoul. However, Noh Eun-seok, the leader of the band becomes a player in Seoul, leaving other members in Busan. With 2 years of shooting, this first feature documentary by Park Gyoungbae (who himself is from Busan) vividly show how members of Nabimat struggled to perform their music and why they had to leave Busan.


  • 박경배
    • 박경배
    • 1981년 부산에서 태어났다. 부산대학교에서 심리학을 전공했으며 단편 <청춘, 할머니와 만나다>로 2007년 제2회 부산울산경남 시민 인권 영상공모전에서 우수상을 수상했다.